Why Use Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

    Google have created a new way of accelerating mobile web pages for mobile devices. Giving online publishers and advertisers more opportunity resulting from faster loading times.   Speed matters and instant is the ideal. Research shows that the bounce rate can be as high as 58% for web pages that take nearly ten seconds to load. Using the AMP format…

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  • Digital Marketing

    Setting Up Negative Keywords in PPC Campaigns

    When planning your PPC Campaigns and optimising your conversion rates, negative keywords are you best friend. Maybe you don’t know which negative keywords are relevant to your campaigns. To help you get started here is a list categorising some of the most used negative keywords. Negative Keywords for Adwords Campaigns It is highly likely however that you already know which…

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  • Digital Marketing

    The future of technology for brand advertising

    Online advertising Brands have embraced social media and online advertising within a relatively short space of time, so what does the future hold for online advertising? There’s no doubt that mobile devices and social media networks have together transformed how brands advertise and communicate. 5 years ago the digital marketing landscape looked very different. Advertising models For example 5 years…

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  • SEO

    3 Myths About Duplicate Content

    Understanding Google’s duplicate content policy. The words “duplicate content penalty” strike fear in the hearts of marketers. People with no SEO experience use this phrase all the time. Most have never read Google’s guidelines on duplicate content. They just somehow assume that if something appears twice online, asteroids and locusts must be close behind. Duplicate content does cause issues so it…

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  • Digital Marketing

    How to choose the best content marketing formats infographic

    Content marketing is about creating great content around your brand or subject. Content that tells a story and gets your audience interested and engaged. This form of marketing can be cleverly used to achieve a number of objectives, all related to promoting your brand or vested interests. When considering what content to create around your brand it is important to…

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  • SEO

    Google’s Big SEO Mobile Search Update

    Why is Google changing Search Engine Results For Mobile? On the 21st April (2015) ‎Google‬ changed ‪‎the‬ search engine results pages for mobile devices. Putting ‘mobile friendly’ pages ahead of non-mobile friendly pages. In a bid to rightly differentiate the search results based on the device you are viewing the content on and the contents suitability for mobile. How the…

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  • SEO

    Google Algorithm Changes US and Europe

    Changes in Google’s algorithm have a direct impact on what is visible in search results. With the top positions in Search Engine Results pages being the prized positions for big business and brands. An increase or decrease in website traffic impacts a businesses ability to generate interest, sales leads, conversions, installs, plays, downloads, actions or transactions. The three things that…

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  • Digital Marketing

    The Power of Live Music & Branding

    Music provides a fantastic platform for brands to connect with their audiences in a fun innovative live environment. Like all good advertising it is about being in the right place at the right time. Live events such as the SuperBowl are legendary for advertising opportunities. Now with new innovations in branding, through technological advances, there are new ways for brands…

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